Ribo-MagOff rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) (N420)

227.700 Ft402.600 Ft net.

VAHTS 2 × Frag/Prime Buffer is a product optimized for the transcriptome library preparation of Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform. Under high temperature conditions, the RNA is randomly fragmented by the action of Mg2+. Vazyme oldal megtekintése (angol)


VAHTS 2 × Frag/Prime Buffer is a product optimized for the transcriptome library preparation of Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform. Under high temperature conditions, the RNA is randomly fragmented by the action of Mg2+.

Vazyme oldal megtekintése (angol)

További információk


12 rxn, 24 rxn